17 Ways To Squander Your Talent

Better Life Coaching Blog

If you’re here, my guess is that you want to make the most of your life and fulfill your potential.

That’s the aim of this blog and I love it when I hear inspiring stories of people who make the most of their capabilities.

I believe that everyone is a 10 out of 10 at something and has the capacity to develop their strengths to an elite, world-class level.

However, I’ve met a lot of people who live at a level that’s far below their full potential and seem strangely content to waste the opportunities that life present them with to live a remarkable life.

Too often, I’ve been that person and I know that there are times when I haven’t made the most of my capabilities.

So, here are 17 ways to squander your talent:

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Muay Thai Documentaries and TV Shows – The Directory

Under The Ropes

There are lots of Muay Thai documentaries and TV shows out there, but discovering them and finding links to watch them online can be difficult. Here, I’m aiming to build a directory where you can find all of them in one place. The videos listed here are separated by type (documentary or TV series, and those based on child fighters have their own category). Each listing contains a video. Click on the film titles for direct video links to watch them.

I have already added as many as I can, but I am looking for help from the Muay Thai Community to add more. If you know of any Muay Thai documentaries, films or TV shows that aren’t listed here, please contact me by commenting below or via the Under the Ropes Facebook page

Muay Thai Documentaries

A Day in the Life of a Muay Thai Fighter 


This is a…

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FACEPUNCH: How to power low kick (without snapping your shit up)



How to power low kick (without snapping your shit up)

One of the staples of kickboxing is the low round house kick to the opponents leg. It hurts. Man, it really hurts.  This is why it’s so often employed and has been used to topple many a would be boxer turned kickboxer.

Recently, however, there has been a lot of speculation about the use of this technique in the light of two high-profile injuries: the Anderson Silva leg explosion in UFC and the Tyrone Spong bone implosion in Glory.  See below for details….



The ole “snapping shin” injury is written off generally as a fluke or a freak occurrence.  The reality is that it’s no more of a fluke than a broken nose or some cracked ribs.  Not in kickboxing anyway.  And as the dominance of kickboxing not only in its pure form, Glory-type-events and Muay Thai, but also…

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